Schleich 42583 Sofia’s Beauties Quarter Horse Mare. The name of the Quarter Horse Mare from Schleich Horse Club Sofia’s Beauties might give you a clue of her skills. She is the undefeated champion when it comes to quarter-mile races. That’s 402 metres!
If this talented lady lets her hair grow any longer, it will be down to her hooves if you don’t watch out! We certainly can’t have that, as she’ll no longer be the first to cross the finish line. So not only is a styling session gonna make her look good, it helps keep her a winner.
Schleich believes the bestest stories are full of imagination , free of silly adult limitations and powered by kids’ unbridled curiosity . Their toys want to be just as magical , just as childlike and just as inquisitive. And we couldn’t agree more. Their characters come in a million gazillion shapes, sizes and also colours. Whether they have two legs, four legs, or no legs, they have one thing in common. Every toy in the Schleich collection is authentic, detailed and also high quality. The
Schleich range consists of
Schleich Bayala, Schleich Dinosaurs, Schleich Eldrador, Schleich Farm, Schleich Horse Club, Schleich Oceanlife, Schleich Wildlife. It covers everything from Horses, Wild animals / Adventure Toys, Farm Animals / Farm Toys, Monsters and dragons, Mythical creatures and Dinosaurs and Volcanos.