Phlat Ball Classic Assortment


4 in stock

  • Contents: A Phlat Ball Classic
  • Throw a disc, catch a ball
  • New and improved design
  • Age 5+ years


Phlat Ball Classic Assortment

Phlat Ball Classic Assortment. The Phlat Ball Classic miraculously turns from disc to ball when thrown! So squash it flat, toss it to your mate and enjoy the dual- action fun of flinging a disc, then catching ball.

Is it a ball? Is it a disc? It’s the Phlat Ball! Handy to take with you, great to play with! Throw a disc and catch a ball! Press the bottom and the lid tightly together and your phlat ball is flat! After a few seconds, the phlat ball automatically jumps back into the shape of a ball! Great fun outdoor item. Colours and styles may vary. Suitable for children aged five years or older.

This fun toy transforms from puck to ball. Throw a puck and collect a ball! You can play in the pool, on the beach, or anywhere you can think of with this fun frisbee! Phlat Ball is a unique sports toy that transforms from a frisbee to a ball when thrown! It’s like playing with a frisbee ball! The material of this frisbee ball is made of soft and flexible plastic, so you can play with it without fear of breaking, it is very resistant! The time it takes to switch from ball to puck is variable, so you never know who is going to get a frisbee or a ball! You dare? There are several colors of Phlat Ball: yellow, red or blue.